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University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City

Group Project | Tai Le - Huy Pham - Duyen Nguyen
Public Space | HCMC, Vietnam | Winter 2022

Awakening the Six Senses
Humans naturally have five senses that enable us to adapt and experience life more profoundly and authentically. In this Pavilion, we aim to create a "new sense" by awakening each individual's six senses, allowing them to find moments of tranquility and understand themselves and their surroundings.

Nature and culture serve as the primary inspirations for this project. The Pavilion embodies the soft and flexible qualities of a lotus floating on water, harmonizing the building with people and the surrounding scenery. Our second inspiration stems from the daily activities of indigenous communities, as the building is stacked akin to bundles of firewood, creating an atmosphere of intimacy for its users.

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