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Architects Regional Council Asia
Gold Award - ARCASIA Students' Architecture Competition

Group Project | Tai Le - Nhu Vo
Public Building | HCM, Vietnam | Autumn 2021

We started designing this project inspired by the book “Diary of a Cricket – To Hoai.” Within the pages of this captivating tale, the protagonist, Cricket, embarks on a remarkable voyage alongside a trusted companion, traversing vast expanses upon a vessel ingeniously crafted from the buoyant duckweed. This whimsical mode of transportation enables them to navigate the waters gracefully, meander through diverse landscapes, forge serendipitous connections with a myriad of newfound acquaintances, and effortlessly engage in meaningful dialogues with individuals from all walks of life. This ethereal essence of “Floating” embodies the time-honored Western Vietnam floating market culture, where locals transport agricultural goods to Saigon for vibrant trade. Over time, this culture has become an indelible facet of Saigon’s tapestry, bestowing it with an ineffable allure and an irreplaceable aesthetic charm.

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