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University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City
Second Prize - UAH Student Traditional Festival Competition

Group Project | Tai Le - Ngoc Huynh - Mai Vo
Pavilion | HCM, Vietnam | Winter 2017

Annually, the University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City orchestrates an architectural extravaganza akin to a jubilant New Year celebration exclusive to the institution. Enveloped within the overarching theme of designing exhibition spaces, we aspired to evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions within the visitors, each box serving as a vessel brimming with cherished recollections, thus serving as a testament to the profound adoration students harbor for their beloved alma mater.

The realization of this endeavor demanded an arduous week of toil, followed by an additional week dedicated to showcasing our creation in the University of Architecture HCMC’s lobby. We embarked upon the meticulous task of adorning each box with a trinity of primary colors, namely yellow, red, and blue, thereby birthing a visually captivating masterpiece. Although the methodology was ostensibly straightforward, the time constraints compelled us to enlist the aid of numerous friends, who acquiesced to our plea for assistance.

Moreover, the assemblage of mementos within each box posed a formidable challenge. We diligently reached out to students from previous years, imploring them to lend us their cherished relics, ranging from garments to water bottles and even bags. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with individuals wholeheartedly embracing our noble cause and eager to contribute in any way possible. Following a grueling week of relentless exertion, we beheld our creation with profound gratification. Most gratifying, however, was the realization that our labor of love had engendered a space teeming with the evocative remnants of yesteryears’ traditional festivities, leaving an indelible imprint upon all who had experienced it.

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