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Traveling around the world to immerse myself in new cultures and traditions is a passion that fuels my soul. I find immense joy in exploring the architectural marvels each destination offers, as they serve as gateways to understanding the history and essence of a place. These pictures capture the beauty and grandeur of the buildings I have encountered on my journeys, each telling a unique story. Through these experiences, I continuously learn and grow, broadening my horizons and deepening my appreciation for the diverse world we live in.



In the winter of 2023, I finally had the opportunity to fulfill my childhood dream of visiting New York City. The city's iconic skyline and breathtaking architecture left me in awe at every turn. As luck would have it, the weather was surprisingly pleasant, allowing me to capture stunning photographs that perfectly encapsulated the city's magic. Being surrounded by the incredible architecture of New York City was a dream come true, and it only deepened my admiration for this remarkable metropolis.



Los Angeles is a captivating city that offers many opportunities to explore. There is something for everyone, from its stunning architecture to its majestic mountains and breathtaking ocean views. One architectural gem that stands out is the Walt Disney Concert Hall, designed by the legendary Frank Gehry. Its fresh and unique form is a testament to Gehry’s innovative vision and mesmerizing beauty. Visiting this masterpiece was an experience that genuinely immersed me in art and design.



I enjoyed visiting Chicago during the autumn season, where the weather was perfect for exploring my favorite buildings. Having seen the city in numerous movies, I had always dreamed of experiencing its beauty firsthand, and I was overjoyed to make that dream a reality. Chicago truly lived up to its reputation as a great place to visit, with its stunning architecture and vibrant atmosphere. Every corner I turned revealed a new sight, leaving me in awe of the city’s rich history and cultural significance. It was an unforgettable trip that exceeded all my expectations.



Embarking upon a new chapter of my life, I decided to relocate to the captivating city of Kansas City, where I would embark on my journey as a junior architect. This city captivates my heart and ignites my passion for design. With its myriad magnificent buildings, each a testament to human ingenuity and creativity, I am presented with an invaluable opportunity to learn and explore. Moreover, the city’s harmonious coexistence with nature adds an extra layer of enchantment. As the seasons gracefully transition, nature adorns itself in a breathtaking array of colors, inviting me to immerse myself in the beauty surrounding me.



At the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Japan. As one of my favorite countries, Japan has always fascinated me with its exceptional architecture and rich cultural heritage. Exploring the country's iconic buildings was a dream come true, as each structure showcased a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Beyond the architecture, I'm keen on Japan's culture, which is deeply rooted in respect, discipline, and a strong sense of community. 



In the summer of 2022, I had an opportunity to travel to Bangkok to participate in the summer school program at Thammasat Design School. I am immensely grateful to my professors for allowing me to explore such a vibrant and cultural city. Bangkok truly captivated me with its awe-inspiring architecture, from the grandeur of the temples to the modern skyscrapers that dotted the skyline. The city’s rich cultural heritage was evident in every aspect of daily life, from the delicious street food to the warm and welcoming people I encountered. My time in Bangkok was an unforgettable experience that deepened my appreciation for its unique blend of tradition and modernity.



In winter 2022, I traveled to Oman to attend the prestigious Tamayouz Award ceremony. The architecture in the Middle East region is remarkable, with buildings that boast incredible scale, exquisite materials, and vibrant colors. I was in awe of the sheer beauty and intricacy of the structures I encountered. Oman left such a lasting impression that I would eagerly return to explore more of its architectural wonders if given the opportunity.



For six years, I resided within the bustling confines of Saigon. This city has ingrained itself deeply within the recesses of my being, owing to the unforgettable reminiscences it has bestowed upon me. In 2016, I went to Saigon with the noble intention of immersing myself in the study of architecture at UAH. Among the vast tapestry of cherished recollections woven into the fabric of my existence, none rival the glorious allure of UAH. This institution served as the crucible for my intellectual and recreational pursuits during the prime of my youth.



I grew up in Hue province, a paradise of poetic charm, filling my heart with indomitable pride in its artistic craftsmanship, majestic architecture, and natural wonders—a rich and profound cultural tapestry. The longing for my beloved relatives, whom I love with unwavering affection, resonates deeply within me by an unyielding love for them. The archive of cherished memories I have accumulated within the confines of this ethereal world arouses an insatiable longing to return to my beloved birthplace.

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